Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Starbucks is good for something other than burnt-ass coffee.

It's also good for kodak moments, funny enough. Sitting on the 19 tonight, trying to squiggle my way home, I noticed a Causasian girl, probably around 25 years old, step her way onto the bus accompanied with an African American girl, probably around the age of 10. They were each carrying frappucinos from Starbucks. They proceeded to take a seat and enjoy their beverages apparently induced with a healthy dose of genuine and raw banter. Laughter was abound. And you could see with each upward glance from the younger girl, with stars in her eyes, that she was truly beholden with the fact that this older girl, thought her cool enough to hang with her. Almost like, 'Thank you, for thinking enough, and being with me. I love you.'

It was beautiful (honestly, no sarcasm associated...I swear).

Thank you Starbucks...you make it convenient for folks to share moments. I forgive you, temporarily, for your disgusting coffee

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